Our Campus Sanctuary

Our Campus Sanctuary
Our Campus Sanctuary

Meet with Pastor Nicholas

Monthly Men's Ministry in the Word

Prayer Breakfast & Ministry in the Word We meet the first Saturday of the month at 6:00a to 8:00a.  Recommended fasting & prayer the...

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Friday, September 1, 2023

Deep Roots

Pastorate First 300 Days at First Assembly of God Dove Creek, Colorado

  • Refine Residency
  • Sustain Development & Growth of Preaching Ministry      
  • Form & Build Leadership Team
  • Take Digital Step Up
  • Cast  & Catch Vision as a  Church 
  • Build & Publish New Members-Handbook
  • Build & Publish Memory Book
  • Finish Commitment & Retire Honorably from Naval Service

Refine Residency  
Grabbing the Torch-Carry the Fire Imputed Within

    Roots that run deep have the ability to grow and prosper others.  Psalm 1 roots are the kind of roots the Lord wants us to have (That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither--whatever they do prospers. Psalms 1:3 NIV).                

    If permitted to run our roots deep here in Southwest Colorado we certainly aim to.  We would like to be here for the long haul with you as leaders within the local church & community.  Hearing the direction of God is what's most critical in the length and depth of our roots here in Dove Creek.  We are committed indefinitely, but the Lord may announce a different plan along the way (In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9 NIV).  We aim to always be sensitive to the Lord's directing, He is the head of us & our congregation.

    In the Falling Leaves Memorandum, you can see the plan for the first 100 days and this new addition will continue to help enhance our transitional navigation together as the same church with a new Pastor in the following 200 days at Dove Creek which runs December 10th—June 27th, 2024.

Sustain Development & Growth of Preaching Ministry 

American Thanksgiving-The Day of Prayer '23

    Join me in the Preaching Ministry!  Scripture is clear that preaching is not a gift of the Spirit, but a ministry for the church. Faithfully, fervently & boldly I am your primary Preacher.  I implore you to pray with me that I may live this out fully & that the hearer may come to know our Holy Father.  

    May we saturate ourselves in the Spirit?  Let's invoke anointing upon First Assembly of God as we sustain growth in writing sermons and presenting the Gospel from the Pulpit & in our lifestyle.  As your Pastor I'm looking for other members of our congregation to ask for the talking stick.  I can become available to support your own development and preaching ministry. 

    If you've written a sermon manuscript or want direction in preaching, please let me know!    

Form & Build Leadership Team  

Teamwork Makes His Dream Work!

    To function effectively as a church, we have many details to tend to.  There is potential for various departments within ministry.  In order to make space for these departments to function I believe that to be effective I'll need help from other people.  There is no way that one person, such as the Pastor, can properly lead & manage each minute detail at the micro or macro level.  

    That shared I've been observing our typical routines and behaviors since September.  Believing the Lord is leading & we follow, I sense the Lord has led me to select certain individuals to take on an interim role and position of assistance to me, the Director of church ministry operations.  Each person will be invited to volunteer to take on challenges and lead in various departments.  A few will be filled quickly for the interim for the 2024 year.  

    During the first year we will work together to synergize our efforts toward the greater good of our organization.  A worklist will be generated, and action plans made to execute completion of all our projects.  Members are encouraged to view our worklists.  We implore you to pray with us, for us and cheerfully support us as we venture to follow the Lord, follow & lead each other, lead ourselves and you into the vision God has for us as the Bride of Christ.  Please follow us as we follow Christ Jesus our Lord!  

    All members are welcome & encouraged to share feedback with the leaders I appoint, sensitive to Mt 18:15-20, Lk 17:3, 4 (Mt 5:9).  Let's aim to be "Peacemakers!"  

    Otherwise, my door is always open for consultation, concern & feedback as well.  As the Pastor I am responsible and I welcome all constructive feedback as we build-up our church ministry for the glory of God. 

Take Digital Step-up:  Build Digital Feet & Make an Imprint

    Our digital network and our ability to reach others with the Gospel in the digital marketplace is weak.  Let's strengthen this weakness!  Together let's research & develop a plan that is feasible, prudent, frugal & generous in supporting productive digital reach.  We can develop & produce media that promotes a reputable brand reflecting the image of God.  

    Some simple basic improvements might be:  Building a website, building a Streaming Site, plugging into YouVersion Bible Application.  In other words, grow our digital marketplace presence enhancing our connection with the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network, increase our ability to be found by others, connect with others & manage our public digital presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


    If you're interested in helping spear head this area of our church ministry, please let me know and we can rally to brainstorm the formation of a team for the improvement in our contribution and connection to the digital community.    

Cast & Catch Vision as a Church

    Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. (Proverb 29:18 KJV).  Affiliated as a local church in the Assemblies of God, we share the same vision as other churches in our district.  I affirm & believe God has called the church to a four-fold purpose:    

  1. Provide space to worship God together in spirit & truth,
  2. Reach & help the spiritually lost be saved,
  3. Disciple the found to develop maturity &
  4. Demonstrate His love & compassion for people and helping those in need. 

Sensitive Hearts with Sacrificial Love

    Each local body is unique for an unlisted number of reasons.  What is unique about us here at First Assembly of God Dove Creek, Colorado?  What is our distinct brand?  What sets us apart from the others?  What is our shared distinct vision & mission?  We can and will rally around the 4-fold purpose.  Let's brainstorm our shared but unique identity as a local body.  

Our Original Sanctuary from 1936 Replaced in 1976


Our Campus in 2023

 Limited by geographic proximity let us prepare ourselves individually for upcoming vision & mission casting parties.  We can do it!  As a team, I aim to form a vision & mission committee to help us build, set goals, track progress and stimulate a sustainable vision that is connected to our local heritage, honoring the past and future posterity.

    I'll be standing by for inputs from all members of the church.  If you'd like to help me spearhead this task, please let me know!

 Build & Publish New Members-Handbook 

Example of What's Plausible

    The most valuable result of evangelization of the world is that everyone is given the opportunity to clearly understand who Jesus is and then make a deliberate choice to accept, believe & confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  You don't need to be a member of the local church to accept Jesus as described, but if you want to follow Jesus and mature as a Christian it helps to be a member of the local church to engage in the Great Commission.  

    Jesus never intended for us to execute the commission without being part of the body of Christ, which is the Church.  Battle buddies, life groups, net groups and teamwork all make the evangelization of the world possible.  It takes interdependent commitment to fulfill the 4-fold purpose of the Church (Lk 10:1, Mk 6:7, Mt 9:37, Jn 9:35, Ecc 4:12).  We are better & stronger together!  

    Anyone can attend our public meetings and engage in many aspects of our ministries (Heb. 10:25) yet some don't do this because they lack commitment to the cause.  To do more than consume the Gospel.  To be more thoroughly committed to our assembly and the doctrine we believe in.  Membership is required to be successful in the great commission.  Let's build up a new members handbook to help us lead others into our church ministry and experience the byproduct of great fellowship and service that glorifies God.  

I'll be standing by for inputs from all members of the church.  If you'd like to help me spearhead this task, please let me know!

Build & Publish Memory Book.  

Example of This Idea

    The church centennial is NOT just around the bend, but let's prepare for the 2036 Centennial Celebration!  One project I think we can collaborate on is honoring the past, present and future of this church by building a memory book.  

    When we dive into our history, we get a valuable hindsight view of our past, which enhances our ability to springboard our long-term vison into plausible actions for today.  May I suggest that we form a committee team?  To help us build, set goals, track progress and stimulate a memory record.  Let's connect to our local heritage, honoring the past and future posterity.  

    I'll be standing by for inputs from all members of the church.  If you'd like to help me spearhead this task, please let me know!

National Defense Commitment:  Finish & Retire Honorably from US Navy  

HT1(SW/EXW/DSW) Nicholas Sybrowsky

    Military Service Biography in a Love Nutshell:  How do you fit twenty years of Sea Story in a nutshell?  Use a Seychelles Indian Ocean Coco De Mer Palm Nutshell!  

    Hull Maintenance Technician First Class Petty Officer. Naval Warfare Specialist & Denizen of Deep-Seafaring Carpentry; Advanced Underwater Diving, Salvage & Ship's Husbandry; Surface Warfare and Expeditionary Combat Operator.

    You are all welcome to join us in ceremony and celebrate the end of my Naval service obligation.  April 5th, 2024, at the Maverick Center in West Valley City, Utah near 5pm-10pm.  My plan is to find a licensed preacher to fill in for me that weekend so that I can properly host any visitors and guests.  So, we can ensure you're added to the guest list and covered for the food and hockey game. Please RSVP with Kelli and me.


Ambassador of Christ!


Nicholas aka People's Victory

Lead Pastor Dove Creek Assembly of God

Microsoft Sway View

Contact First Assembly of God

Run Deep Roots Vlog

'24-'25 Boots to Roots: Next 300 Days

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