Our Campus Sanctuary

Our Campus Sanctuary
Our Campus Sanctuary

Meet with Pastor Nicholas

Monthly Men's Ministry in the Word

Prayer Breakfast & Ministry in the Word We meet the first Saturday of the month at 6:00a to 8:00a.  Recommended fasting & prayer the...

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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Mission, Vision & Values


Thy Kingdom Come 

The perfect will of God.  Find it, follow it & fulfill the perfect will of God.  The Kingdom of God! 

11 They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power; ... 13 Thy kingdom [is] an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion [endureth] throughout all generations.               ~ Psalms 145:11 & 13 

6 Thy throne, O God, [is] for ever and ever: the sceptre of thy kingdom [is] a right sceptre. ~Psalms 45:6  

10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven.         Matthew 6:10 

2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. ~ Luke 11:2

 42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. ~ Luke 23:42 

 8 But unto the Son [he saith], Thy throne, O God, [is] for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness [is] the sceptre of thy kingdom. ~ Hebrews 1:8



Know the mission & go.  When we know we go!  Once you know God you will be compelled to "Go". Reach, Teach, Mend & Send.  When we go we grow.  When we grow we send.

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: ~ Mat 28:19

15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. ~ Mar 16:15

47 And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. ~ Luke 24:47 KJV 

21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace [be] unto you: as [my] Father hath sent me, even so send I you. ~ John 20:21 KJV

Values:    D.O.V.E. CRE.EK.

  • Discipleship
  • Open space
  • Victorious Living
  • Empathy for Community
  • Christ's Resurrected
  • Eternal Kingdom

D. Discipleship

Make, Baptize & Teach.  Investing in others, training them in the Word, interdependence & service, so that they might mature (GROW) as healthy believers who can walk by faith, share their faith & multiply their faith. 

19 Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. ~ Matthew 28:19-20 ASV

40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master. ~ Luke 6:40

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, [then] are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ~ John 8:31-32 

"Disciple" comes from the Greek word that means, "to learn."  Historically, the word associates a pupil-teacher relationship.  Jesus modeled discipleship in His secret, private & public ministry.  Examining this we observe how his relationship with His disciples transcended the normal student-teacher affiliation.  He poured Himself into those who would propagate - intimately living with, teaching & investing quality time with them.  Then empowering disciples to proclaim the gospel & do good works.  Jesus literally put up His skin in public ministry for 12 young men & us.  Meekly equipping the saints so they could lead the multitudes.

O. Open-Space

We provide space to worship the LORD openly in truth & in spirit.

23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel [them] to come in, that my house may be filled. ~ Luke 14:23 

23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.                   ~ John 4:23-24

17 [Even] the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. ~ John 14:17

13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. ~ John 16:13

We have space to banquet and prepare for the Great Banquet.  Join the bride for cooperate ministry, worship, praise, prayer & the Word.

V. Victorious Living

Imputed righteousness empowers us to live victoriously & empowers us to be holy.  Victor's not victim's! 

19 For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the one shall the many be made righteous.                 ~ Rom 5:19 ASV  
8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?                                                ~ Mic 6:8 Cf. Isaiah 57:15 & Hosea 6:6

Seek justice, love mercy & walk humbly with God.  Deliberately overcoming victimhood with a victorious mindset; relying on the blood of Jesus Christ.  We declare & decree victory over any injustice that has occurred and any injustice that might occur to ourselves or others.  We whole heartedly believe we are forgiven our debts.  We cherish the substitutionary work upon the cross & proclaim Jesus Christ as LORD & savior.  This declaration, decree & proclamation compels us to deny ourselves daily, pick up our cross & follow Jesus' pro-active leadership.  Committed to help others become victorious too.  This value dove tails well into our next!


E. Empathy for community

We care!  We carry compassion within us because "He first loved us" (John 3:16) we love you! 

Jesus wept. ~ John 11:35

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.  ~ Matthew 9:36

And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. ~ Matthew 14:14

Then Jesus called his disciples [unto him], and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.                       ~ Matthew 15:32

And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not. ~ Luke 7:13

And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. ~ Luke 15:20

Finally, [be ye] all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, [be] pitiful, [be] courteous:                      ~ 1Peter 3:8

But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels [of compassion] from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?       ~ 1John 3:17

 And of some have compassion, making a difference:                      ~ Jude 1:22

God empowers us to care for & love our neighbor.  Spiritual transformation of the community is God's compassion & glory.  In communion with God we are compelled to "commun-ity" together.

  • Pity:  I acknowledge your suffering.  
  • Sympathy:  I care about your suffering.  
  • Empathy:  I feel your suffering.
  • Compassion:  I want to relieve your suffering.

Everyone has their own "monkeys" to cope with therefore we certainly ought not adopt other peoples' monkeys, but relational catharsis is invaluable.  Sharing those monkeys yet not projecting them onto others.  Letting monkeys play together, if you will.  Some monkeys may even be eliminated through community by having compassion for one another.  Some folks need monkeys removed so they can stand upright again.  We all have monkeys!  We all need each other!  There is enough burdensome details for us ALL in this world, yet each one of us is called to "bear" with one another as Paul wrote in the epistle to the church in Galatia.  Compassion is key to fulfillment of God's perfect will.  Love God & Love others!

CRE. Christ's Resurrection 

The crucified Nazarene died & resurrected three days later. 


 And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.              ~ Mark 16:6

Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen. ~ Mark 16:14

And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. ~ Mark 14:62

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. ~ Mark 16:19

Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast [our] profession. ~ Hebrews 4:14

Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. ~ Hebrews 7:25 

Jesus Christ is seated at the right-hand of the Father and is pro-actively interceding on our behalf.  Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

EK. Eternal Kingdom

We are eternal in perspective, purpose & power.


For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. ~ Isaiah 9:6

To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly [places] might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, 11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.                                         ~ Ephesians 3:10-12

That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;           ~ Ephesians 3:16

 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,      ~ Ephesians 3:20

 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].         ~ Ephesians 6:12

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him [are] called, and chosen, and faithful.        ~ Revelation 17:14
And he hath on [his] vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. ~ Revelation 19:16

We believe in the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the Alpha & Omega!  Greek adage translation:  The beginning & the end.  He always existed before creation, at immaculate conception & after the crucifixion.  Yesterday, today & tomorrowOur blessed hope! Everlasting King of kings!

Thy Kingdom Come, Let's Go Dove Creek!

 *All Holy Scripture taken from the King James Version (KJV) of the Blue Letter Bible except when noted. 


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Leadership Team Installation

Teamwork Lessons from Geese

Installation ceremony for Dove Creek Assembly of God leadership team. 

September last year is only a few months ago, but this confirmation has been a long time coming.  Personally, I’m very pleased to announce and endorse the following leadership roles for the coming year.  As the Pastor, I implore the church to prayerfully consecrate the following Armorbearers for the interim leadership roles of our church in the following areas of assistance to me as I direct ministry operations.  

Pray, Pray Pray!  When life is good, PRAY.  When life is hard, PRAY.  Never forget to PRAY.  Amen.

Church please pray for the consecration of our Leadership Team

Our Church Leadership Team:

  • Church advisory board:  Claudean Jones, Jason Hall & Dagan Chadd
  • Compassion’s Ministry Leader:  Kristy Chadd
  • Pastor’s Secretary:  Kevin Hall
  • Children’s Ministry Leader:  Carole Hall
  • Worship Team Leader:  Teresa Arthur
  • Boys & Girls Missions Challenge (BGMC) Program Manager:  Crystal Hall
  • Puppet Ministry Program Manager:  Andrew Hall

Each of these roles & the responsibilities that come with them have been carefully examined, defined and consecrated to support the church direction in our operations.  For the size of our congregation and length of our time together these roles, to me, seem to be a good fit for the interim coming year.

Please help me to lead better as we adjust to this renewed direction together!  Let us remain flexible, durable & resilient as God reveals his plan along 'the way'.


Pastor Nicholas

"Go" Mt 28:19

Monday, January 1, 2024

Bible-In-a-Year Schedule '24

Sow to yourselves righteousness, reap mercy, break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and rains righteousness upon you.  ~Hosea 10:12  MEV

First Assembly of God

The Entire Bible-in-a-Year Reading Schedule

2024 January—June

Thy Kingdom Come, Go DOVE CREEK

Download the reading schedule and print from home; watch out for page three.  Page 3 is unfinished for the July-December period.  Schedule for six months listed below too.  

Our Word for the year is:  Till.  Word of the Month (WOM): Each month has an associated four letter word theme:  Jan--Pray, Feb--Give, Mar--Wait, Apr--Lord, May--Stay & Jun--Play.

Corporate Reading Schedule From Fire Bible Modern English Version

This reading plan gives you a structured pattern for reading through the entire Bible in one year.

There are two readings for each day, one in the Old Testament (OT), the other in the New Testament (NT).

  If you feel bogged down by so much reading each day, an alternative plan is to read the OT passages the first year & the NT passages the second year, completing the entire Bible in two years rather than one year.

According to the Art & Science of Reading the Bible—First Rate Reader’s Examine Scripture:


·         Acquisitively

·         Repeatedly

·         Telescopically

·         Selectively

·         Thoughtfully

·         Imaginatively

·         Meditatively

·         Prayerfully

·         Patiently

·         Purposely


Pneumonic Acrostic: 



January:     A.M.                   P.M.                       Pray

o    1     Ge  1—2            Mt  1

o    2     Ge  3—5            Mt  2

o    3     Ge  6—8            Mt  3

o    4     Ge  9—11          Mt  4

o    5     Ge  12—14        Mt  5:1-20

o    6     Ge  15—17        Mt  5:21-48

o    7     Ge  18—19        Mt  6:1-18

o    8     Ge  20—22        Mt  6:19—7:6

o    9     Ge  23—24        Mt  7:7-29

o    10   Ge  25—26        Mt  8:1-27

o    11   Ge  27—28        Mt  8:28—9:17

o    12   Ge  29—30        Mt  9:18-38

o    13   Ge  31—33        Mt  10:1-23

o    14   Ge  34—35        Mt  10:24-42

o    15   Ge  36—37        Mt  11:1-30

o    16   Ge  38—39        Mt  12:1-21

o    17   Ge  40—41        Mt  12:22-50

o    18   Ge  42—43        Mt  13:1-23

o    19   Ge  44—45        Mt  13:24-43

o    20   Ge  46—48        Mt  13:44—14:12

o    21   Ge  49—50        Mt  14:13-36

o    22   Ex  1—2            Mt   15:1-28

o    23   Ex  3—5            Mt   15:29—16:12

o    24   Ex  6—7            Mt   16:13—17:13

o    25   Ex  8—9            Mt   17:14—18:14

o    26   Ex 10—12         Mt   18:15-35

o    27   Ex 13—14         Mt   19: 1-15

o    28   Ex 15                 Mt   19:16—20:16

o    29   Ex 16—17         Mt    20:17-34

o    30   Ex 18—19         Mt    21:1-32

o    31   Ex 20—21         Mt    21:33—22:14

February:            A.M.                 P.M.             Give

o    1           Ex 22—23         Mt 22:15-46

o    2           Ex 24—25         Mt 23

o    3           Ex 26—27         Mt 24:1-35

o    4           Ex 28                 Mt 24:36-51

o    5           Ex 29—30         Mt 25:1-30

o    6           Ex 31                 Mt 25:31-46

o    7           Ex 32—33         Mt 26:1-30

o    8           Ex 34—35         Mt 26:31-56

o    9           Ex 36—37         Mt 26:57-75

o    10         Ex 38—39         Mt 27:1-26

o    11         Ex 40                 Mt 27:27-44

o    12         Lev 1—3            Mt 27:45-66

o    13         Lev 4—5            Mt 28

o    14         Lev 6—7             Ac 1

o    15         Lev 8                   Ac 2:1-21

o    16         Lev 9—10           Ac 2:22-47

o    17         Lev 11—12         Ac 3

o    18         Lev 13—14         Ac 4:1-31

o    19         Lev 15                Ac 4:32—5:11

o    20         Lev 16—18         Ac 5:12-42

o    21         Lev 19—21         Ac 6

o    22         Lev 22—23         Ac 7:1-53

o    23         Lev 24                 Ac 7:54—8:8

o    24         Lev 25                 Ac 8:9-40

o    25         Lev 26-27            Ac 9:1-31

o    26         Nu 1—2              Ac 9:32-43

o    27         Nu 3—4              Ac 10:1-23

o    28         Nu 5—6              Ac 10:24-48

o    29         Jn 17                  Heb 14

March:          A.M                   P.M.                     Wait

o    1      Nu 7—8           Ac 11:1-18

o    2      Nu 9—10         Ac 11:19-30

o    3      Nu 11—13       Ac 12

o    4      Nu 14—15       Ac 13:1-12

o    5      Nu 16—17       Ac 13:13-52

o    6      Nu 18—19       Ac 14

o    7      Nu 20—21       Ac 15:1-21

o    8      Nu 22—23       Ac 15:22-35

o    9      Nu 24—26       Ac 15:36:16:15

o    10    Nu 27—28       Ac 16:16-40

o    11    Nu 29—31       Ac 17:1-15

o    12    Nu 32—33       Ac 17:16-34

o    13    Nu 34—36       Ac 18:1-23

o    14    Dt 1—2            Ac 18:24—19:7

o    15    Dt 3—4            Ac 19:8-41

o    16    Dt 5—7            Ac  20:1-16

o    17    Dt 8--`10          Ac 20:17-38

o    18    Dt 11—12        Ac 21:1-16

o    19    Dt 13—15        Ac 21:17-36

o    20    Dt 16—17        Ac 21:37—22:21

o    21    Dt 18—21        Ac 22:22—23:11

o    22    Dt 22—24        Ac 23:12-35

o    23    Dt 25—27        Ac 24

o    24    Dt 28               Ac 25:1-12

o    25    Dt 29—30       Ac 25:13—26:1

o    26    Dt 31—32       Ac 26:2-18

o    27    Dt 33—34       Ac 26:19-32

o    28    Jos 1—2         Ac 27:1-26

o    29    Jos 3—4         Ac 27:27-44

o    30    Jos 5—6         Ac 28:1-16

o    31    Jos 7—9         Ac 28:17-31

April:          A.M               P.M.                             Lord

o    1    Jos 10—12    Mk 1:1-20

o    2    Jos 13—15    Mk 1:21:45

o    3    Jos  16—19   Mk 2:1-22

o    4  Jos  20—22  Mk 2:23—3:12

o    5    Jos 23—24    Mk 3:13:35

o    6    Jdg 1—2        Mk 4:1-20

o    7    Jdg 3—4        Mk 4:21-41

o    8    Jdg 5—6        Mk 5:1-20

o    9    Jdg 7—8        Mk 5:21-43

o    10  Jdg 9              Mk 6:1-29

o    11  Jdg 10—11     Mk 6:30-56

o    12  Jdg 12—13     Mk 7:1-23

o    13  Jdg 14—16 Mk 7:24—8:13

o    14  Jdg 17—18     Mk 8:14-26

o    15  Jdg 19—21 Mk 8:27—9:13

o    16  Ru 1—4          Mk 9:14-32

o    17  1Sa 1—2        Mk 9:33-50

o    18  1Sa 3—7        Mk 10:1-31

o    19  1Sa 8—10      Mk 10:32-52

o    20  1Sa 11—13    Mk11:1-26

o    21-1Sa 14-15 Mk 11:27--12:17

o    22  1Sa 16—17    Mk 12:18-44

o    23  1Sa 18—19    Mk 13

o    24  1Sa 20—22    Mk 14:1-26

o    25  1Sa 23—25    Mk 14:27-52

o    26  1Sa 26—28    Mk 14:53-72

o    27  1Sa 29—31    Mk 15:1-20

o    28  2Sa 1—3        Mk 15:21-47

o    29  2Sa 4—6        Mk 16

30  2Sa 7—8        Jude 1

May:        A.M.                     P.M.                        Stay

o    1   2 Sa 9—11      1Pe 1:1-21

o    2   2 Sa 12—14    1 Pe 1:22—2:25

o    3   2 Sa 15—17    1 Pe 3

o    4   2 Sa 18—19    1 Pe 4

o    5   2 Sa 20—21    1 Pe 5

o    6   2 Sa 22            2 Pe 1

o    7   2 Sa 23—24    2 Pe 2

o    8    1 Ki 1               2 pe 3

o    9    1 Ki 2—3         Jas 1

o    10  1 Ki 4—6         Jas 2:1—3:13

o    11  1 Ki 7—8         Jas 3:14—4:12

o    12  1 Ki 9              Jas 4:13—5:20

o    13  1 Ki 10—11     Lk 1:1-25          

o    14  1 Ki 12—14     Lk 1:26-56

o    15  1 Ki 15—17     Lk 1:57-80

o    16  1 Ki 18—19     Lk 2:1-20

o    17  1 Ki 20—21     Lk 2:21-52

o    18  1 Ki 22             Lk 3

o    19  2 Ki 1—3          Lk 4:1-13

o    20  2 Ki 4—5          Lk 4:14-44

o    21  2 Ki 6—7          Lk 5:1-16

o    22  2 Ki 8—9          Lk 5:17-39

o    23  2 Ki 10—12      Lk 6:1-16

o    24  2 Ki 13—15      Lk 6:17-49

o    25  2 Ki 16—17      Lk 7:1-35

o    26  2 Ki 18—19      Lk 7:36-50

o    27  2 Ki 20—22      Lk 8:1-21

o    28  2 Ki 23—25      Lk 8:22-39

o    29  1Ch 1—2          Lk 8:40-56

o    30  1Ch 3—4          Lk 9:1-17

o    31  1Ch 5—6          Lk 9:18-36

June:         A.M.              P.M.                           Play

o    1  1Ch 7—8            Lk 9:37-62

o    2  1Ch 9—10          Lk 10:1-24

o    3  1Ch 11—13        Lk 10:25-42

o    4  1Ch 14—16        Lk 11:1-13

o    5  1Ch 17—19        Lk 11:14-36

o    6  1Ch 20—22        Lk 11:37-54

o    7  1Ch 23—25        Lk 12:1-21

o    8  1Ch 26—29        Lk 12:22-48

o    9  2Ch 1—4            Lk 12:49-59

o    10 2Ch 5—7           Lk 13:1-21

o    11 2Ch 8—11         Lk 13:22-35

o    12 2Ch 12—15      Lk 14:1-24

o    13 2Ch16—19 Lk 14:25—15:10

o    14 2Ch 20—22      Lk 15:11-32

o    15 2Ch 23—25      Lk 16

o    16 2Ch 26—28      Lk 17:1-19

o    17 2Ch29—30 Lk 17:20—18:14

o    18 2Ch 31—32      Lk 18:15-43

o    19 2Ch 33—34      Lk 19:1-27

o    20 2Ch 35—36      Lk 19:28-48

o    21 Ezr 1—3           Lk 20:1-19

o    22 Ezr 4—6       Lk 20:20—21:4

o    23 Ezr 7—8           Lk 21:5-38

o    24 Ezr 9—10         Lk 22:1-38

o    25 Ne 1—3            Lk 22:39-65

o    26 Ne 4—6      Lk 22:66—23:25

o    27 Ne 7—8           Lk 23:26-49

o    28 Ne 9—10    Lk 23:50—24:12

o    29 Ne 11—13       Lk 24:13:35

      30 Est 1—4          Lk 24:36-53

July:         A.M.              P.M.                           Help

o 1     Est 5—7         1 Th 1:1—2:16       

o 2     Est 8—10       1 Th 2:17—3:13

o 3     Job 1—2         1 Th 4

o 4     Job 3—5         1 Th 5

o 5     Job 6—8         2 Th 1

o 6     Job 9—11       2 Th 2

o 7     Job 12—14     2 Th 3

o 8     Job 15—18     1 Co 1

o 9     Job 19—21     1 Co 2

o 10   Job 22—24     1 Co 3

o 11   Job 25—28     1 Co 4

o 12   Job 29—31     1 Co 5

o 13   Job 32—35     1 Co 6 

o 14   Job 36—39     1 Co 7

o 15   Job 40—42     1 Co 8  

o 16   Ps 1—6           1 Co 9

o 17   Ps 7—10         1 Co 10:1—13 

o 18   Ps 11—16       1 Co 10:14—11:1

o 19   Ps 17—18       1 Co 11:2—34 

o 20   Ps 19—20       1 Co 12

o 21   Ps 21—22       1 Co 13

o 22   Ps 23—25       1 Co 14

o 23   Ps 26—29       1 Co 15:1—34 

o 24   Ps 30—31       1 Co 15:35—58 

o 25   Ps 32—34       1 Co 16

o 26   Ps 35—37       2 Co 1:1—2:4

o 27   Ps 38—41       2 Co 2:5—3:6 

o 28  Ps 42—44        2 Co 3:7—4:18

o 29  Ps 45—48        2 Co 5:1—6:2

o 30  Ps 49—51        2 Co 6:3—7:1

o 31  Ps 52—55        2 Co 7:2—16 

August:         A.M.              P.M.                           Keep

o 1     Ps 56—59         2 Co 8—9  

o 2     Ps 60—63         2 Co 10

o 3     Ps 64—67         2 Co 11:1—15 

o 4     Ps 68—69         2 Co 11:16—33

o 5     Ps 70—73         2 Co 12

o 6     Ps 74—77         2 Co 13

o 7     Ps 78                 Ro 1:1—17 

o 8     Ps 79—81         Ro 1:18—32 

o 9     Ps 82—84         Ro 2

o 10   Ps 85—88         Ro 3

o 11   Ps 89                 Ro 4

o 12   Ps 90—93         Ro 5:1—11 

o 13   Ps 94—98         Ro 5:12—21 

o 14   Ps 99—101       Ro 6:1—14 

o 15   Ps 102—103     Ro 6:15—7:6

o 16   Ps 104—106     Ro 7:7—25 

o 17   Ps 107—108     Ro 8:1—17  

o 18   Ps 109—112     Ro 8:18—39 

o 19   Ps 113—116     Ro 9:1—29 

o 20   Ps 117—118     Ro 9:30—10:21

o 21   Ps 119:1—112  Ro 11:1—24 

o 22   Ps 119:113—176 Ro 11:25—36 

o 23   Ps 120—127    Ro 12:1—16 

o 24   Ps 128—134    Ro 12:17—13:14 

o 25   Ps 135—138    Ro 14:1—15:4 

o 26   Ps 139—141    Ro 15:5—13 

o 27   Ps 142—145    Ro 15:14—33 

o 28   Ps 146—150    Ro 16 

o 29   Pr 1—2             Gal 1 

o 30   Pr 3—4             Gal 2 

o 31   Pr 5—7             Gal 3:1—14

September:         A.M.              P.M.                           Work

o 1          Pr 8—9       Gal 3:15—25 

o 2          Pr 10—11   Gal 3:26—4:20

o 3          Pr 12—13   Gal 4:21—5:15 

o 4          Pr 14—15   Gal 5:16—26 

o 5          Pr 16—17   Gal 6

o 6          Pr 18—19   Eph 1:1—14 

o 7          Pr 20—21   Eph 1:15—2:10

o 8          Pr 22—23   Eph 2:11—22 

o 9          Pr 24—26   Eph 3

o 10        Pr 27—28   Eph 4:1—16 

o 11        Pr 29—31   Eph 4:17—5:2 

o 12        Ecc 1—2    Eph 5:3—21 

o 13        Ecc 3—5    Eph 5:22—6:9 

o 14        Ecc 6—8    Eph 6:10—24 

o 15        Ecc 9—12  Php 1

o 16        SS 1—2     Php 2:1—18 

o 17        SS 3—5     Php 2:19—3:11 

o 18        SS 6—8     Php 3:12—4:3 

o 19        Obadiah 1           Php 4:4—23 

o 20        Joel 1—3    Col 1:1—23 

o 21        Jonah 1—4  Col 1:24—2:5 

o 22        Am 1—4      Col 2:6—23 

o 23        Am 5—9      Col 3:1—4:1

o 24        Hos 1—2     Col 4:2—18 

o 25        Hos 3—6     Phm 1

o 26        Hos 7—10   Heb 1

o 27        Hos 11—14 Heb 2

o 28        Isa 1—2      Heb 3

o 29        Isa 3—5      Heb 4:1—13 

o 30        Isa 6—8      Heb 4:14—5:10 

October:         A.M.              P.M.                           Tell


o 1            Isa 9—10     Heb 5:11—6:20

o 2            Isa 11—12   Heb 7 

o 3            Isa 13—14   Heb 8 

o 4            Isa 15—18   Heb 9:1—10 

o 5            Isa 19—22   Heb 9:11—28 

o 6            Isa 23—24   Heb 10:1—18 

o 7            Isa 25—26   Heb 10:19—39 

o 8            Isa 27—28   Heb 11:1—16 

o 9            Isa 29—30   Heb 11:17—40 

o 10          Isa 31—32   Heb 12:1—13 

o 11          Isa 33—34   Heb 12:14—29 

o 12          Isa 35—37   Heb 13

o 13          Isa 38—39   Tit 1—2 

o 14          Isa 40—41   Tit 3

o 15          Isa 42—43   1Ti 1

o 16          Isa 44—45   1Ti 2

o 17          Isa 46—47   1Ti 3

o 18          Isa 48—49   1Ti 4

o 19          Isa 50—51   1Ti 5

o 20          Isa 52—53   1Ti 6

o 21          Isa 54—56   2Ti 1

o 22          Isa 57—58   2Ti 2

o 23          Isa 59—60   2Ti 3

o 24          Isa 61—63   2Ti 4

o 25          Isa 64—66   Jn 1:1—18 

o 26          Mic 1—3      Jn 1:19—51 

o 27          Mic 4—5      Jn 2 

o 28          Mic 6—7      Jn 3:1—21

o 29          Na 1—3       Jn 3:22—36 

o 30          Hab 1—3     Jn 4:1—26 

o 31          Zep 1—3     Jn 4:27—54 

November:         A.M.              P.M.                           Rake

o 1             Jer 1—2        Jn 5:1—30 

o 2             Jer 3—4        Jn 5:31—47 

o 3             Jer 5—6        Jn 6:1—24 

o 4             Jer 7—8        Jn 6:25—59 

o 5             Jer 9—10      Jn 6:60—71 

o 6             Jer 11—12    Jn 7:1—24 

o 7             Jer 13—14    Jn 7:25—8:11

o 8             Jer 15—16    Jn 8:12—30 

o 9             Jer 17—18    Jn 8:31—47 

o 10           Jer 19—22    Jn 8:48—59 

o 11           Jer 23—25    Jn 9

o 12           Jer 26—28    Jn 10:1—21 

o 13           Jer 29—30    Jn 10:22—42 

o 14           Jer 31—32    Jn 11:1—16 

o 15           Jer 33            Jn 11:17—57 

o 16           Jer 34—35    Jn 12:1—9 

o 17           Jer 36—37    Jn 12:20—50 

o 18           Jer 38—40    Jn 13:1—30 

o 19           Jer 41—43    Jn 13:31—14:14

o 20           Jer 44—47    Jn 14:15—31 

o 21           Jer 48—49    Jn 15:1—17  

o 22           Jer 50—51    Jn 15:18—16:16 

o 23           Jer 52            Jn 16:17—33 

o 24           La 1—2         Jn 17

o 25           La 3—5         Jn 18:1—27 

o 26           Eze 1—2       Jn 18:28—19:16 

o 27           Eze 3—4       Jn 19:17—42 

o 28           Eze 5—7       Jn 20:1—18 

o 29           Eze 8—10     Jn 20:19—31 

o 30           Eze 11—12   Jn 21

December:         A.M.              P.M.                           Rule

o 1            Eze 13—15   1Jn 1:1—2:14

o 2            Eze 16           1Jn 2:15—3:10 

o 3            Eze 17—19    1Jn 3:11—24 

o 4            Eze 20—21    1Jn 4

o 5            Eze 22—23    1Jn 5

o 6            Eze 24—26    2Jn 1  

o 7            Eze 27—28    3Jn 1

o 8            Eze 29—30    Rev 1

o 9            Eze 31—32    Rev 2:1—17 

o 10          Eze 33—34    Rev 2:18—3:6

o 11          Eze 35—36    Rev 3:7—22 

o 12          Eze 37—38    Rev 4

o 13          Eze 39—40    Rev 5

o 14          Eze 41—42    Rev 6

o 15          Eze 43—44    Rev 7

o 16          Eze 45—46    Rev 8 

o 17          Eze 47—48    Rev 9

o 18          Da 1—2          Rev 10

o 19          Da 3—4          Rev 11

o 20          Da 5—6          Rev 12

o 21          Da 7—8          Rev 13:1-10

o 22          Da 9—10        Rev 13:11—14:20 

o 23          Da 11—12      Rev 15  

o 24          Hag 1—2        Rev 16 

o 25          Zec 1—3         Rev 17

o 26          Zec 4—6         Rev 18

o 27          Zec 7—8         Rev 19:1—10 

o 28          Zec 9—11       Rev 19:11—21  

o 29          Zec 12—14     Rev 20

o 30          Mal 1—2         Rev 21

o 31          Mal 3—4         Rev 22

     You made it!  We made it!  Reading the entire 66 books within the Bible binding is quite an accomplishment.  Remind you what Jesus taught in the first Beatitude, 

"Blessed are the 'poor in spirit' for they shall inherit the Kingdom of God". ~Jesus in Sermon on the Mount

      The original text indicates that "blessed" and "poor in the Spirit" means "Oh how happy are the humble".  I recall the first time I had finished my Bible in a year reading schedule.  

      It happened to be a schedule encouraged by my Pastor at Red Hill, Hawaii First Assembly of God.  Pastor Ko and his team produced a cooperate reading schedule and I managed to check all of the boxes throughout the year.  In my celebration I sensed the Lord convicting me to keep going and this remark kept me humble and thirsty for more understanding. 

        "I have read the entire Bible and it was more than a daily check in the box.  It was only one time in the English Standard Version of translation."  

        Which means there is more to observe and learn as a student of the Bible.  Additionally there is more because I know that there were days when all I did was simply trust and obey but not with personal understanding of what I was reading.  Learning to trust in the Lord and build trust takes obedience and deliberate commitment. For me not only did I read it in one year, I had great help from the church and from the Spirit of the One True God.  To this day I deliberately sustain this very important aspect of Christian life, daily devotional reading in the Word. A personal discipline I will never surrender.

        To understand the immutability of God and build a variety of confidences in the Creator we must read!  I've come to believe that the only constant we can truly trust in this life on earth is found in the character of the God from within the Bible.  It's critical to learn to read.  It's critical to learn to observe, interpret and apply the Word of God.  How can we hear God if we don't know the Word?  How can we "work out our own salvation" (Phil 2:12) or what we believe, with a worldview that only comes from the point of view of another persons theology?  Each of us has a responsibility to study God and become theologians above reproach.  Lest we be miss led by the prophesied false teachers that are wolves in sheep's clothing. 

        Everyone is a theologian.  Whether you accept this or not, each of us by the very nature of being human, studies the Creator. The main question I have for you as we close out this year and begin a new one, assuming the Lord tarries.  Considering your short lifespan on earth, what kind of theologian will the Lord judge you to have been?

        My friend, stay hungry and thirsty for righteousness, for then you shall be filled!


        Ps. Nicholas

        Student of the Bible